State & Country Picklists

State & Country Picklists

For organizations with State & Country picklists enabled, custom state and country picklist fields need to be added to the Scan Item object. Currently, the Scan Item object cannot pull the State & Country picklist values; it can only check the values entered in the default State and Country fields when a scan item record is processed as a Contact or Lead.

If a value in the default State & Country fields of the Scan Item object does not match the correct State & Country picklist fields of the Contact or Lead objects, a field integrity error will be displayed, and the Lead or Contact record will not be created.

Therefore, it is considered best practice to add custom State & Country picklists to the Scan Item object with the correct corresponding state & country values used in your organization.

Create a Custom State Picklist

1. Go to Setup.

2. Go to the Object Manager

3. Select Scan Item Object: Find and click on the Scan Item object.

4. Create a New Field: In the Fields & Relationships section, click New.

5. Choose Field Type: Select Picklist and click Next.

6. Configure Field Details:

Field Label

Field Name

Values: Enter the state values used in your organization (e.g., “California, New York, Texas, etc.”)

7. Set Field-Level Security: Determine which profiles can view and edit this field.

8. Add to Page Layouts: Choose the page layouts where this new field should appear.

9. Save: Click Save to create the custom State picklist field.

10. Add the new State field to the Scan Item page layout and remove the default Address State field from the layout.

11. Map the new custom State field to the Contact and Lead objects using Scan Contact Mapping and Scan Lead Mapping. (Remove the default Address State field mapping before mapping the new State field.)

Create a Custom Country Picklist

1. Create a New Field: In the Fields & Relationships section, click New.

2. Choose Field Type: Select Picklist and click Next.

3. Configure Field Details:

Field Label

Field Name

Values: Enter the country values used in your organization (e.g., “United States, Canada, Mexico, etc.”)

4. Set Field-Level Security: Determine which profiles can view and edit this field.

5. Add to Page Layouts: Choose the page layouts where this new field should appear.

6. Save: Click Save to create the custom Country picklist field.

7. Add the new Country field to the Scan Item page layout and remove the default Address Country field from the layout.

11. Map the new custom Country field to the Contact and Lead objects using Scan Contact Mapping and Scan Lead Mapping. (Remove the default Address Country field mapping before mapping the new Country field.)
