Duplicate Handling in Salesforce

By default, Salesforce has three standard duplicate rules for Accounts, Contacts, and Leads. These default rules permit the creation of duplicate records, but they trigger an alert whenever a user attempts to create a duplicate record.

When trying to create a duplicate Contact or Lead from the 'Scanning Queue' you'll be presented with a warning message.

Note: The warning message displayed will depend on your organization's duplicate rule settings.

You can only view or merge a duplicate record in the Scanning Queue if there's at least one duplicate rule configured in 'Scanning Settings.' For better results, it's recommended to choose a distinct field like 'Email' or 'Phone' when setting up the duplicate rule.

After adding a duplicate rule in 'Scanning Settings,' you will receive this message when attempting to create a duplicate record.

You can view the potential duplicate record, merge it with the master record, or create a duplicate.
